
Volume 47, No. 2

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Status of Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus in Indonesian Borneo


1Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk. Plant-12 Tarjun, Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
2Conservation Biology Programe, Faculty of Science, Sriwijaya University, Jalan Padang Selasa 524, Palembang 30139, Indonesia *(
3Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Sriwijaya University, Jalan Raya Palembang-Prabumulih km 32,Indralaya, Sumatera Selatan 30662, Indonesia


HASYIM, A., IQBAL, M., SETIAWAN, A. & YUSTIAN, I. 2019. Status of Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus in Indonesian Borneo. Marine Ornithology 47: 223 - 224

Received 07 January 2019, accepted 16 May 2019

Date Published: 2019/10/15
Date Online: 2019/08/26
Key words: Black-headed Gull, Borneo, changing status


Here, we report the second record of the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus in Indonesian Borneo. Although Larids are uncommon in these waters, observations of these birds are increasing. Whether this is due to greater observer coverage remains to be determined.


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