
Volume 52, No. 1

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Fish prey of the Peruvian Tern Sternula lorata along the northern coast of Chile.


1Biolog Estudios y Asesorías en el Área Ambiental, José Pedro Alessandri 61, Santiago, Chile
2Laboratorio de Genética y Microevolución, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile
3Grupo de Ecología y Biodiversidad, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Calle Ejército 146, Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago, Chile
4Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Recursos Naturales, Universidad Santo Tomás, Viña del Mar, Chile
5Panthalassa, Red de Estudios de Vertebrados Marinos, Toesca 2002, Santiago, Chile
6Centro de Investigación para la Sustentabilidad (CIS) Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile (


VILINA, Y.A., PASTENES, L., MUNIZAGA, B., TORO, F., NEIRA-SOTO, A. & MOLINA-BURGOS, B.E. 2024. Fish prey of the Peruvian Tern Sternula lorata along the northern coast of Chile.. Marine Ornithology 52: 45 - 49

Received 15 February 2023, accepted 03 November 2023

Date Published: 2024/04/15
Date Online: 2024/02/10
Key words: Anchoveta, fish prey, Pacific Saury, Peruvian Tern, trophic ecology


Scarce information is available on the trophic ecology and feeding habitats of the Peruvian Tern Sternula lorata. We searched 15 Peruvian Tern colonies along the coast of northern Chile during the breeding seasons of 2008 to 2018 to evaluate the tern's main food source. We collected samples of prey remains found near nests as well as prey items regurgitated by chicks and adults during our visits. We found that the Peruvian Tern is mainly piscivorous, secondarily feeding on some cephalopods and euphausiids. Pacific Saury Scomberesox saurus and Paloma Pompano Trachinotus paitensis were the main prey found near nests, but regurgitated prey was dominated by the Peruvian Anchoveta Engraulis ringens. Fish prey sizes ranged from 36 to 192 mm. These findings expand existing knowledge of the feeding ecology of this endangered seabird during its breeding season.


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